Grade 7:  G é o g r a p h i e

The grade seven geography curriculum is an introduction to geography.  We study the five themes of geography:  place and location, region, interaction, movement and environment.  The second unit of study is the physical features in geography such as land forms, water basins, climate and weather.  Finally, we study natural resources.

Image result for report card icon   Report Cards
Students at Aldershot School study Geography first from September until January.  They receive feedback on their progress report and on their first semester report card, but not on their second report card. 

  Text Book
 We use a geography text called Liaisons géographiques 7.  We also have two different atlases that we use:  Atlas Larousse, Atlas contemporain du monde.

Image result for google classroom icon Accessing Resources
 To access handouts, presentations, articles and links to websites and videos used in lessons, access the Google Classroom



La géographie est l'étude962005_30834_7.jpg  des constantes à la surface de la Terre 962005_25951_0.jpg,  comme le climat962005_30012_1.jpg, les continents962005_30038_2.jpg,   les pays962005_30124_3.png, les gens962005_30240_4.png,   les industries962005_30720_5.png et les produits962005_30739_6.jpg.



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